What is eraser / lacquer?


Shellac is a resin of animal origin. Naturally secreted by an insect called Lacciler lacca (Fam Coccoida) to protect its eggs on trees, the basic substance, called sticklac, is cleared of plant waste or foreign substances present.
The product obtained is called shellac .

The use of shellac in India and China dates back more than 4000 years. It appeared in Europe about 300 years ago and was used to varnish furniture and musical instruments, then much later in boat paints, the manufacture of discs, inks, the manufacture of technical resins ... Some types have disappeared and have been replaced in favor of use in the food and pharmaceutical sectors.

The main shellac production areas are in India (Bihar and West Bengal states) and Thailand.


Shellac is a resin composed of aliphatic polyhygroxylic acids. Its molecular weight is around 1000.

The lacquered man is in the form of shiny sequins more or less fine, pale yellow to dark brown depending on its quality. It can be waxy (native form) or decirty. The whitened shellacs are in the form of a creamy white to yellow powder.


The solubility of shellac is excellent in methyl and ethyl alcohols, good in amyl alcohols and glycols. Shellac solubilizes in acetone provided that polar solvents (water, alcohol) are present in small amounts.

Tips - Implementation

Shellac (in shell or powder form) is very sensitive to heat (risk of build-up and polymerisation). We recommend temperature-controlled storage (less than or equal to + 10 ° C) or very rapid dissolution of this shellac.

Shellac solubilizes perfectly in alcohol (preferably ethyl) at room temperature. Maintain moderate agitation for 30 minutes to 1 hour (depending on quality) for complete solubilization. The concentration of the lacquered man in the alcohol can reach 30% (w / v): the solution obtained presents a good stability in the time.