| - ambient temperature too high
- diluent too light
- room in the sun
- stoving too fast
- Check if the temperature is correct
- Use thinner thinner
- Dry the parts in the shade
- Wait for a drying time before drying
| - overlap before the previous layer is hard.
- poorly catalyzed undercoat
- respect the drying time of the sub-layer, especially in cold weather.
- respect the proportions of catalyst
Refusal Fish Eye
| - traces of grease, oil, silicone on parts or in application equipment.
- identify the source of silicone and dispose of it by thorough cleaning (consult your supplier).
White sail
| - ambient humidity too high.
- use diluent that is too light or poor solvent.
- use an antifogging thinner.
- check the compatibility of the solvents used.
- apply a thin coat of thinner for the cellulos only to the spray gun.
Do not dry
| - lack of hardener.
- diluent too heavy.
- respect the proportions (neither more nor less).
- use a lighter diluent.
Bad adhesion to the media
| - too much wood resin.
- treated wood (stripper, antifungal, etc ...).
- wax on wood.
- degrease the wood with a cleaning solvent before varnishing (and even complete stripping if necessary).
- Then apply a layer of paliso insulation before the normal system.
Poor adhesion between layers
| - wax between the two layers.
- too long recovery time without intermediate sanding.
- Non-recoverable product used as undercoat.
- Cut or sand layers already applied.
- Recommended paliso insulation before returning.
- do not wait too long before covering a PU, otherwise, carefully strip it and respect the compatibility conditions.